Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mommie doesn't feel good...

I visited Becky for a few minutes tonight. Poor thing hasn't slept a wink all day; and in anticipation of this morning's events, she didn't sleep but three hours last night either. She also hasn't had anything to eat. She tried one bite of jello, but her body rejected it--and then some. In addition to nausea and vomiting, she has quite the headache. Of course, that could be the result of not eating or sleeping--and crying usually gives me a headache too. Anyway, while I was there, she had at least five other visitors plus her mom and sister. She is definitely loved. So all of you who will be praying for Christopher tonight, pray for Becky too, that she will get the rest and nutrition necessary to recover from major abdominal surgery. WE LOVE YOU BECKY!!!


nicollec said...

How unfair that someone can still look SOOOOOOO gorgeous after everything she has been through!!!
God bless you and your family Becky, we are thinking about you and praying for your family!

Matthew said...

Becky, you and Christopher are in my thoughts and prayers. Christopher is beautiful and so are you! He is such a lucky little boy to have such a wonderful family. Thank you so much Colleen for setting this up. I've been thinking about Becky all day. Jessica

Jay, Deb, Cade and Hank said...

Congratulations on the birth of your angel baby! He looks so cute! We wish you and Christopher all the best! God bless you with strength and faith. We will keep you and all your family in our prayers!

Love, President and Sister Ross

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh Becky, you are a hot momma!! You do not even look like you just had a baby in any of these pictures!!! Your baby is so dang cute. I love all the pictures of the two of you together. So sweet. You rock!
I love you! (you too Robert)