Thursday, November 29, 2007

He's Here!

Christopher was born this morning at 8:10 weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. and measuring 20 inches long. He has hair that's "kind of curly" with a reddish tint and, according to Becky, he looks a lot like James. Becky says he is BEAUTIFUL and you would never know by looking at him that he has Hydrocephalus or Spina Bifida. Not only is he adorable, he looks like a completely healthy baby boy.

But, the truth is, he is not. Christopher has already been rushed from Shawnee Mission Medical Center to Children's Mercy Hospital where they will run tests, determine the severity of his condition, and decide how immediately surgery is needed. Becky, unfortunately, never got to hold her new baby boy in her arms. She did see him briefly and gave him a kiss, but he was hooked up to several tubes and wires being readied to leave. Christopher has some bowel problems that require tubes; he also has an IV in his head, which is feeding him the necessary antibiotics to avoid infection to his open spine. He is breathing nicely on his own, which is a positive sign, and his legs are kicking, although his feet and toes do not have much movement. It has been quite an emotional morning for the entire family. Becky has been shedding tears and clinging to two Polaroid photos of Christopher.

Robert and his parents, as well as Emily and James (the two oldest siblings) are with Christopher at Children's Mercy; Becky's mother and sister, Julie, are with her at Shawnee Mission; and Spencer (the youngest sibling) is with Becky's good friend, Lynette Speyer.
Photos will be posted this afternoon, and we'll share more details as we become aware of them.


Carie said...

Congratulations Becky, Robert and family!!! I just wanted to leave a comment to let you know that I know a little of what you're going thru since we had a similar experience when Katie was born. While this may seem challenging right now (and it certainly is) I wanted to tell you that things will work out. This is the beginning of an amazing journey. You will look back later and say that you wouldn't trade these experiences for anything. Heavenly Father has chosen you to be parents of one of his choicest spirits. What a blessing (and a bit scary as a parent to know that you're raising a Celestial spirit)! While life will be challenging, you will find more joy and love in your hearts and in your home than you ever thought possible. I'm so happy for you and I'm glad little Christopher is here!!! Congratulations. I can't wait to see pictures.

Carie Hansen

Darren and Chrissy said...

Becky, you look beautiful! And Christipher is so handsome! I can't wait to meet him. "Baby Christpoher" is in our family prayers and we look forward to getting to know him. I love him already!


The Lassen Family said...

I am so glad to see that the delivery was "uneventful". He is beautiful!! And Becky looks amazing for just having a had a baby :) You are all in our prayers. Dani, Steve, Becca and Jakob

Karen E. Smith said...

What a wonderful baby!!! He looks so chunky!! Handsome boy like the others, runs in the family!! It is such a miracle he is here and into such great care. We are a little biased since that was Scott's second home for 4 years!! It is so fortunate for you to live in Kansas to have Children's Mercy Hospital to take you by the hand. We wish we could be there. Big hugs for each one of you. You are a special family to be given this opportunity of growth of faith and service. We are so lucky to have Christopher with our clan. Can't wait til he can enjoy the sand at the beach house one day. We look forward to seeing his personality grow and become strong. Hear you have some great brothers and sister to help and love you!!! (also some awesome, grandparents, aunts and uncles!!

We love you so much. Karen, Scott, Lyndsie, Clayn, Jacob, Dallin, Luke, & aunt Jenny, Chewy, Jake the dog, and Yukon

Lorilee said...

Thinking of you and praying for all of you. Christopher is absolutely gorgeous!! Becky- you look wonderful! I am praying for a fast reunion for you both.


Malinda, Greg, Sam, Madi & Grant said...

You sound great and look great!!!! We are so happy Christopher is finally here. Get your rest and enjoy being pampered for a while! You deserve it.
We are praying for you all.
Becky, remember the quote I bought last summer while at your house?
Heavenly Father has sent Christopher to a wonderful family! Don't forget we are all here for you. Please let us know if there is anything you guys need. I am amazed at your strength and Faith. We love you!!!!

Shellee said...

Congratulations! You did it! Christopher is perfect! Quite an awesome responsibility to be trusted with one of Heavenly Father's choicest spirits! Becky, you can do this with flying colors. Remember what I told you, eleven days not seeing or holding Jordan and we did it just like you will. You have a wonderful family and a whole ward behind you. Love you! Shellee Mosher